Veri Hicare Plan (Zhengaoduan) 2023 Insurance Instruction
1. 入保年龄为15天至69周岁,续保最高年龄至99周岁;投保年龄在55岁以上需提供近半年内的健康体检报告。需要的检查报告如下:常规血液和胆固醇检测、身高/体重指数检测、静态血压检测、尿检、心脏检查、心电图、其他主要器官功能检测,以及X光线胸透视。
Underwriting age for first year policy is from 15 days to 69 years old; renewal age is up to 99 years old; for enrolled member above 55 years old, the health check-up report within half a year is required. The required check-up reports are as follows: routine blood and cholesterol test, height/body mass index test, static blood pressure test, urine test, heart test, electrocardiogram, other major organ function test, and X-ray chest radiograph.
2. 主被保险人的父母、配偶或子女可作为本合同的附属被保险人;0-17岁子女只能以附属被保险人身份入保。
Parents, spouse and child of the primary insured can be enrolled as additional insured. Child aged from 0 to 17 years old can only be enrolled as additional insured.
3. 蓝鲸PLUS计划每一成年被保险人可免费携带一名未满15周岁的未成年子女(以核保结论为准)作为附属被保险人,该子女与成年被保险人共享保额。
Every adult insured of Whale-Plus-Plan can add one of his/her child under 15 years old into this plan as an additional insured for free after underwriting. The child shares coverage with the adult insured.
4. 在保险期间内,被保险人应当在中国大陆居住合计180天或以上时间,若被保险人停留于中国大陆以外的地区累计超过180日,投保人或被保险人应及时告知保险人,保险人对被保险人在中国大陆以外的地区居住累计超过180日后在中国大陆以外的地区产生的任何费用不承担给付保险金的责任。若投保时采用以下非常住中国大陆地区(港澳台及境外地区)承保规则,则不受此限制:(1)加费承保规则:欧洲、新加坡、日本、韩国费率上调50%,美国/加拿大费率上调100%,其他国家及地区费率上调20%;(2)医院选择范围:默认医院范围是包含昂贵医院,且不可更改;(3)对于在保险期间内在中国大陆以外多个地区居住累计超过180日的被保险人,加费承保费率按被保险人居住时间最长的地区中的最高费率来计算。
During the insurance period, the insured shall reside in the mainland of China for a total of 180 days or more. If the insured stays outside the mainland of China for more than 180 days in total, the applicant or the insured should notice the insurer in time, and the insurer is not liable to pay any expenses incurred outside of the mainland of China after the insured has stayed outside of the mainland of China for more than 180 days in total. If the following underwriting rules for resident out of the mainland of China (refers to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas areas) are applied at the time of issuing, then domestic residence requirements above are not applicable:
(1) Rule of price increment: the rate for residents in Europe, Singapore, Japan, Korea will be increased by 50%, the rate for residents in the United States and Canada will be increased by 100%, and the rate for residents in other countries or regions will be increased by 20%. (2) Hospitals covered: the default choice of the covered hospitals has to include high-cost providers; (3) If the insured stays in multiple areas outside the mainland of China for more than 180 days in total during the insurance period, the price increment shall be the highest level among areas where the insured stays for the longest time.
5. 投保人或被保险人职业为律师、医疗机构从业人员、高风险职业从业者,需经核保确认后方可投保,否则不予承保。
The insurance is subject to underwriting confirmation if the policyholder or the insured is a lawyer, a medical practitioner, or a high-risk professional.
6. 若被保险人选择投保生育保障(可选),则保险人不承担自由保障保险责任;对于被保险人单胎跨越两个保单年度的,则该胎的累计赔偿限额以续保限额为限;若被保险人上一保险年度已生育,或上一保险年度的保障责任不含生育保障,则续保保单的生育保障按新保单计算。
Extra Benefit is not covered for the insured who chooses optional maternity coverage. Total sub-limit per pregnancy for Maternity Related Treatment Fee is equal to its consecutive year renewal limit when the fees occur in both first year and consecutive year; if the insured had delivered birth during last insurance period, or the insurance liability of last insurance period did not include maternity coverage, then maternity coverage of the renewal policy shall be regarded as maternity coverage of new policy.
7. 续保 Renewal
The policyholder can apply for renewal within 30 days (including the 30th day) before the expiration of the insurance period. The insurer can also send an invitation to the insured for renewal. Within 30 days after the expiration of the insurance period, if the policyholder applies and the insurer agrees to renew, the next year's policy and the previous year's policy will be consecutive in time without waiting period.
8. 对连续投保的被保险人,从第二个保险年度起,既往症及其相关症状的治疗涵盖额度按前一年的50%递增。
For the insured who takes out this product in consecutive years, from the second insurance year, the sub-limit of pre-existing conditions and related symptoms shall be increased by 50%, compared with former year.
9. 退保规则:Surrender rules:
(1)If no claim settlement: refund amount = unearned net premium; net premium= (1-25%) *total premium.
(2)If with claim record: no refund for surrender.
10. 预先授权Pre-Authorization
Some special treatments in the insurance plan require Pre-authorization. Before receiving these treatments, customers need to confirm in advance whether the treatment can be covered and what the compensation standard is.
需要预先授权的治疗项目包括:Treatments requiring pre-authorization include:
(1)所有住院治疗(包括生育/分娩的住院);All inpatient treatment (Including those for maternity/delivery);
(2)任何需要全麻下进行的门诊手术;接受癌症治疗以及血液或腹膜透析;Outpatient surgeries requiring general anesthesia; Cancer treatment, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis;
(3)紧急医疗转运;Emergency medical evacuation;
(4)购买或者使用非一次性耐用医疗设备,包括但不限于胰岛素泵及其配套器械;Purchase or rental of durable medical equipment, including but not limited to insulin pumps and their associated equipment;
(5)牙科意外伤害修补治疗;Dental accident repair;
(6)每剂超过8,000元的药剂或疫苗;Drug or vaccine that costs more than ¥8,000 per dose.
(7)任何“康复治疗和专业护理费”、“赴异地就医交通费”、“睡眠检查和治疗费”、“临终关怀费”责任中包含的项目。Any treatment included in the benefit of “Rehabilitation and Extended Care”, “Transportation Expenses of Off-site Medical Treatment “, “Sleep Test and Treatment”, and “Hospice Care”.
客户在进行上述治疗前若未获得医疗服务中心书面许可回复,被保险人接受医疗的,保险人有权不承担保险责任。如遇紧急情况,被保险人只需在该紧急情况发生后48小时内通知即可。If the client does not obtain pre-authorization permission reply before carrying out the above medical treatments, the insurer reserves the right to deny the claims. In case of emergency, the insured only needs to notify within 48 hours of the emergency.
11. 本产品除外的医院、机构、设施、诊所等和医生(统称除外医疗网络)名单如下。保险人不接受任何由本名单内除外医疗网络提供的产品或服务所产生的理赔申请。
This is the restricted list of healthcare service providers, including hospitals, facilities, clinics and practitioners, etc. (called “Delisted Providers”). MediLink-Global will not process claims for the services or supplies obtained from providers on this list.
湖州瑞博同义堂中医门诊部 Huzhou Ruibo Tongyitang TCM Outpatient Department
北京太一同义堂 Beijing Tai-Tong Yitang
亚洲专科医生/运动内科医生 Asia Medical Specialists / Sports physicians (Sports performance) Ltd.
上海优仕美地门诊部 Shanghai Yosemite Clinic
上海优仕美地巨富里医院 Shanghai Yosemite Hospital
北京明经堂中医门诊部 Meridian TCM Clinic
颈医卫 HealthSAGE
沈阳凯瑞全科医疗 Shenyang Kairui General Medical Service Co., Ltd.
毕再旺(中医) Bi Zaiwang (Chinese Medicine)
冯洁/周韵 上海唯涵儿科门诊部(唯儿诺新天地店)Feng Jie / ZhouYun Wellem Xintiandi outpatient department.
3.中间带联系方式:400 880 8820 电话咨询服务7*24*365 会员保险福利查询